
Each month the High Point Police Department shares the most recent data related to violent crimes, gang activity, gun seizures and other interactions with our community at the HPCAV monthly meeting. These meetings are always open to the public. The information below is from the July 10, 2024 meeting.

Impact (Violent) Crimes

Impact or Violent crimes include crimes against persons (homicide, manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault) and crimes against property (burglary, auto theft, all larceny). As of July 7, total impact crime was up 4%. Homicide was down 57%. Violent crime was up 5%, due to an ongoing increase in robberies and aggravated assaults. These are all compared to same time last year (2023).

Click here to access crime statistics or crime in your neighborhood. is another source of accurate information.

Historical Trends

It is easy to get caught up in day to day statistics, which give one type of impression of safety in High Point. The graph below is a long range look at how focused deterrence has had a tremendous impact on crime in High Point since we began using this in 1997. While our population has increased 54%, our violent crime has decreased 72%. THIS is what is really going on with crime in our city.

VCTF: Violent Crimes Task Force; DMI: Drug Market Initiative; GANG: Gang focus; DVIP: Domestic Violence Initiative; PCGL: People, Cars, Guns, Locations (hot spots) focus.

Guns Seized

Every gun seized is a gun taken off the streets, not available to hurt someone.